April 28, 2021
14:00 – 15:15 ISR (Webinar + Q&A)
Printed antennas have a variety of beneficial properties including mechanical durability, conformability, compactness and cheap manufacturing costs. As such, they have a range of applications in both the military and commercial sectors, and are often mounted on the exterior of aircraft and spacecraft as well as incorporated into mobile radio communication devices. The different types of printed antennas are distinguished by the geometry of the radiating element and by the feeds or ports which allow its excitation.
During this webinar, we will show how to design, build the geometry, simulate and tune different types of printed antennas from UHF to 79 GHz using Ansys HFSS software.
- Short overview of printed antennas
- Printed antennas for WiFi, BLE and LTE communication
- Miniaturized printed antennas
- UWB printed antennas
- Printed antennas combined with periodic structures
- Performance of antenna installed in IoT device
- mmWave printed antennas design for MIMO Radar applications
Vladimir Vulfin